This year in my fourth grade reading class we are reading a interesting book called Willow Creek Home. Here are some things I have to say about the book. Three of the main characters are Mina.papa.and tanta lissete. In the story they try to make it to they can have more land. On the way to Texas mama died at the beach because of a illness. My faveorite part of the book is when Mina got kidnapped by comanches because it was hilarious when mina spit in his eyes. I also liked that part because it was action packed.

This is my faveorite  picture because it has a lot of color and I think it is a good drawing.

p.s. the picture is sideways.



My Book Review

The little Match girl.

Author. Jerry Pinkney

number of pages.29


It was cold in the small cramped attic of the tennament where a family of five children lived.


I like the book because every time the girl lites a match a picture shows up.


I gave the book three stars for good.








Water Conservation

Saving water can be very helpful. People should use water correctly because when you dont it dissapears. You should try to use less water because you need it to live so we should use it correctley so here is my plan.

The first step to saving water is take a shorter shower instead of a bath. Next you have to turn off the faucet when brushing  your teeth. Turning off the faucet can save a lot of money and saves water. Finaly you should ware the same clothes at least twice a week because it will make your water bill go down, and you wont have to wash them that mutch.

Saving water can be very helpful. In the fututre you will need water.



The Best Gift

The person I gave the gift to was my little brother. I gave him a red remote control truck. I gave him the gift for his seventh birthday. When I gave him the gift it made me feel joyful because he is annoying most of the time but he is my little brother though.



sincerely Joshua Thornton